Friday, 4 March 2016

Year 6 Camp at Waipara

On the 22 of February Rm 10,11 and some people in Rm 24 went to the year 6 Camp at Waipara. On the bus it took us about 1 hour to get to Amberly to have a stop for a toilet stop. After that we headed for to the camp. Then we got into our groups . The groups were Tahi,Rua,Toru,Wha,Rima,Ono,Whetu . Those are numbers in Maori. I was in Rima witch is five in Maori . Two of my friends (Logan and Ashton) were in Toru (3). Daniel B my other best friend was the leader for Rua (2). Then after we got into our groups we went to our first activity. My first activity was abseiling this activity doesn't involve water . This activity is where you have to climb down a rock wall with a harness of course because then you would fall down and hurt yourself and you wouldn't be aloud to do  certain activitys. After all the groups finished the activity they were doing we met everybody where we got into our groups,  we had some cookies/biscuits. then after that we went to the lake to have some free time swimming. Some people thought that there were eels in the water, but there were non which was great. It also had a rope swing which also was fun to have a go on it. Mr Forman was the first one to go onto the rope swing. There are two different rope swings, a low one and a high one, I liked the high one because you make a really big splash only if you swing and jump really high. Then we got all of our towels and went back to our bunk rooms to change into dry clothes. We all met back near the dining room.